What makes Kianda low-code / no-code (LCNC) platform special? In my interview, Osvaldo Sousa (Osvaldo Sousa : The Future of No-code) made some big claims. When something sounds too good to be true, it invariably is. So, I wanted to see this for myself, hence my conversation with Daniel Wertz, the Director of Information Technology, Resco Products.
86 LCNC platforms reviewed for vendor rating
Daniels claim to fame in Kianda is that he analysed 86 (!) low-code / no-code (LCNC) providers.
During his investigation, Daniel included some of the top players’ platforms to decide which vendor he would use for workflow and business process automation.
And that is how he ended up with the Kianda low-code / no-code application development platform.
Mission to find the LCNC best platform
He was on a mission to replace the current cumbersome system that was a pain to use. He was looking to digitise some of their business processes. For example, he wanted to automate processes including incident reporting, data collection, capital expenditure approvals, purchasing approvals, etc.
Subsequently, he wanted to find a low-code / no-code solution that:
- Would work with a lot of different systems
- Could access lots of data sources
- Was easy to learn and transition across the organisation without having to jump through a lot of hoops
- Was intuitive
- Would be easy to use
- And most importantly, would be something he and his team enjoy working with.
He kissed many frogs. As a result, he found that there are a plethora of solutions, with lots of different definitions and interpretations of business process automation. To clarify, there is no standard. Therefore, this makes vendor selection very difficult. So, during the search for a viable LCNC platform, Daniel set some key criteria: 
1.  DashboardingÂ
2. Form designÂ
3. Multiple columns Â
4. Table creation Â
5. Conditional fields Â
6. Integration Â
7. Single sign-on Â
8. Link to outside partners Â
9. Data storage  Â
10. Public-facing forms Â
11. Approval process Â
12. Price Â
The basics and piloting Kianda low-code / no-code platform
He requested a demo, played around, and then piloted Kianda LCNC tool with users, using the data from the existing system. Meanwhile, he found users were very positive. For example, they found Kianda has a simple data input, is easy to use, and integrates well with their systems inside and outside the company. And, those are the basics.
The three main reasons for choosing Kianda LCNC development platform
Ultimately it is about unrivalled flexibility. Moreover, it is about the platform’s ability to scale and grow with the company, the integration and the access to multiple data sources.Â
Kianda is exceptional in that regard. For instance,  many low-code / no-code platforms in the market make several promises but have lost sight of the importance of doing the simple things right.
Indeed, there are lots of LCNC providers, and they are all jumping on the bandwagon. However, the basic functionality of Kianda is what sets above the rest. So, that, combined with the Kianda track record, made Kianda’s low-code/ no-code development platform an easy choice for Resco Products.Â
My conclusion
I have written extensively about citizen development and I have also spoken with many experts. Certainly, there are quite a few issues that CIOs are worried about (risk, security, chaos). However, in particular, the lack of flexibility due to vendor lock-in, the data access and the integration are huge issues once you start applying LCNCÂ in larger organisations.Â
Next-generation LCNC
Kianda might just have developed the next generation of low-code platform-based, entirely flexible, borderless, fully integratable, and can access multiple data sources! In short, it can give your systems a new lease of life and allows for full extension of the possibilities. That is, beyond efficiency and workflow. Think digital twinning, think innovation, think digital transformation without limits.Â
But, you don’t have to take my word for it. Ask Daniel.Â
Watch event on demand to learn more
What to Look for in a Low-Code / No-Code Provider
- A Customer Success Story With US Manufacturer Resco Products
Hear from Daniel Wertz IT Director of Resco Products, as he explains the factors that made him choose Kianda no-code business application development platform as the right low-code / no-code platform to achieve his business goals.
Cumbersome, siloed legacy systems, disjointed paper and email processes are thorns in the side of the modern digital workplace. Daniel Wertz, IT director at Resco Products, wanted to solve this with an easy-to-use, flexible toolkit to streamline data collection and reporting and offer system-agnostic integrations. Subsequently, Daniel analysed a number of low-code / no-code (LCNC) providers using 86 platforms (!) to decide which vendor he would use for workflow and business process automation and discovered Kianda. To sum up, the Kianda no-code application development and business process automation platform was the only LCNC tool that checked all the key boxes for Resco. Â
Daniel Wertz, Resco Products and Derya Sousa, Kianda Technologies, discuss Daniel’s decision process as he worked to find the right solution. Additionally, they detail Daniel’s 10 key criteria and how he ensured success on his mission to replace the current cumbersome system using the Kianda flexible no-code platform.